Used with MCR-XL & EXP-1000 Models

Used with MCR-XL & EXP-1000 Models
In the automotive service and repair industry, one of the most common repairs that technicians perform is a battery replacement. Every passenger vehicle has a 12-volt battery, and most heavy-duty vehicles and large equipment contain 12- or 24-volt batteries too. It’s...
DMM Adapter and Probe Set…Used with EXP-1000/HD Models
Hard Plastic Black Case…Used with EXP-1000 / HD Models
2 Meter Cable with Large Plastic Clamps. Used with EXP 717, EXP-1000 and MCR-XL Models.
4' Cable with Standard Metal Clamps. Used with EXP-1000 & MCR-XL Models
Infra-Red Printer. Used with MCR-XL, MDX-640/650 and EXP-1000 Series Testers
10' DMM Cable and Clamp Set. Used with EXP-1000/HD, EXP-1200, GR8-1200
Amp-Clamp. Used with DSS-7000, ED-18V2/3, EXP-1000/HD, GR8-1200. Note: This item can’t be used with DSS-5000 or DSS-5000 HD. For DSS-5000 & DSS-5000 HD, please purchase A657.
EXP-1000 expandierbare Elektrik-Diagnoseplattform – Innovationen waren u. a. dynamische Leitfähigkeitstechnologie mit Tiefenscan, Lichtmaschinen-Diagnostik mit digitaler Signalverarbeitung und Kabelanschluss-Leitfähigkeitspüfung
EXP-1000 Plataforma expansível para diagnósticos elétricos - as inovações incluíram a tecnologia de condutância dinâmica com tecnologia de leitura profunda, diagnósticos de alternadores de processamento de sinais digitais, e tecnologia de queda de cabos de...
EXP-1000拡張可能電気診断プラットフォーム –...
Plataforma de diagnóstico eléctrico expandible EXP-1000: las innovaciones incluyeron una tecnología de conductancia dinámica con escaneo profundo, un diagnóstico de alternador de procesamiento digital de señales y una tecnología de caída de cable de conductancia
Plate-forme extensible de diagnostic électrique EXP-1000 - parmi les innovations figurent la technologie de conductance dynamique à balayage complet, les diagnostics d'alternateur par traitement numérique des signaux et la technologie de chute de tension de câble de...
EXP-1000 Expandable Electrical Diagnostic platform – innovaties omvatten dynamische geleidingstechnologie met diep scan, Digital Signal Processing alternator diagnostiek en geleidingskabel spanningsvaltechnologie
EXP-1000 Expandable Electrical Diagnostic platform – innovations included dynamic conductance technology with deep scan, Digital Signal Processing alternator diagnostics, and conductance cable drop technology
EXP-1000 可扩展电气诊断平台 – 创新型动态电导技术与深度扫描,数字信号处理交流发电机诊断,及电导电缆下降技术